THE SOLROS itself consists of an arm with the glass dish follows the sun with a patented algorithm so even when the weather is cloudy the Solros still knows exactly where it is. When the sun comes out, the glass dish concentrates the sun perfectly onto the optic fibers. It weighs approximately 7 kg (16 pounds) and is powered by connecting the included adapter in a normal power outlet, either in- or outdoors depending on individual conditions.
Light cable
THE CABLE, which splits into four at 200 cm for the choice of even distribution to separate light points, consists of 37 optical fibers that leads full spectrum sunlight is encapsulated in a cable that is around 15 mm (0.5 inch) wide and the single fibers distributes the light in a even 60 degree cone. The fibers attenuates the light at cirka 0.15 dB/m the light, so your actual light output will depend on the length of your optical fiber cable. Glass fibers carries the light a lot better but are a lot more expensive which is why we offer plastic only at the moment.
THE LIGHT itself: as a simple reference, we often explain that a regular modern lightbulb with 40 watt effect produce approximately 450 lumen (Solros 10000 lumen at full sunshine) and is subject to a lot of parameters. To read more about how Lumen and Lux represents light and the power of Solros offer, read up on Wikipedia here and here
THE APP When the Solros is in place, a few simple steps with the Solros app / online portal you will get the guidance you need to get it up and running, set timings and keep track on sun hours, for instance. This digital backbone will be under constant development in the future, so expect many new features!